If you don't see any of the screens below, click on SCREENER -> EDIT -> RESTORE SCREEN

Like this nice short gif.

Any custom saved screens are unaffected. It won't delete or change anything.

You will then see the list of preset screens loaded on the left menu.

NOTE: If you edit any of the preset screens, it will not be overwritten as you have turned it into a custom screen. To restore it back to original, DELETE it, then click RESTORE SCREEN to load the original version of the custom screen.


The Preset Screens Are:

  1. Magic Formula Stocks
  2. Trifecta Stocks (Super A's)
  3. Sleeper Stocks (Q+V)
  4. GARP Stocks (V+G)
  5. Munger Stocks (Q+G)
  6. Mom & Pop (Q only)
  7. Value Trap (V only)
  8. Darling Stocks (G only)
  9. FCF & CROIC Growth
  10. Best Piotroski Combo
  11. Strong Studs
  12. FCF Cows

Magic Formula Stocks

It's not identical to the Magic Formula.

The filters are set to screen for stocks where

  • EV/EBIT is between 0-15
  • ROIC is between 0-50%
  • Magic Formula Yield is between 0-50%

The idea is to find Magic Formula "like" stocks.

Trifecta Stocks (Super A's)

This will search for stocks that are graded A for all categories in Q, V and G.

Not all A grade stocks are Trifecta's.

NOTE: A Trifecta stock is NOT a recommendation to buy.

  • Quality Grade is A
  • Value Grade is A
  • Growth Grade is A

Sleeper Stocks (Q+V)

A stock that scores highly in the Quality and Value score. Growth score is low.

Stocks that have this character usually fly under the radar. Once fundamental and profitability growth kicks in, the market takes notice.

  • Quality Grade is A or B
  • Value Grade is A or B
  • Growth Grade is not A or B

GARP Stocks (V+G)

A stock that scores highly in the Value and Growth score, but not Quality.

These companies resemble Peter Lynch style stocks of looking for Value and Growth - hence the name of GARP (Growth At a Reasonable Price)

  • Quality Grade is not A or B
  • Value Grade is A or B
  • Growth Grade is A or B

Munger Stocks (Q+G)

For lack of a better name, this screen is named after Charlie Munger for his philosophy of paying a fair price for a great company with great future compounding potential.

  • Quality Grade is A or B
  • Value Grade is not A or B
  • Growth Grade is A or B

Mom & Pop (Q only)

Single high grade stocks must be analyzed with more caution and financial analysis. Many of these can turn out to be traps.

A Mom and Pop stock is considered high quality, but not cheap and without much profitable growth potential.

  • Quality Grade is A or B
  • Value Grade is not A or B
  • Growth Grade is not A or B

Value Trap (V only)

Where value traps lurk and where most value investors tend to seek first.

When you only focus on price, you can end up catching a falling knife. Proceed with caution.

  • Quality Grade is not A or B
  • Value Grade is A or B
  • Growth Grade is not A or B

Darling Stocks (G only)

Companies with strong profitable growth and efficiency. This is NOT the typical earnings growth. It is related to profits and efficiency. However, these companies to fly high and must be analyzed with a holistic method.

  • Quality Grade is not A or B
  • Value Grade is not A or B
  • Growth Grade is A or B

FCF & CROIC Growth

The broad idea behind this one is to find companies that are flush with cash and increasing cash profitability.

  • FCF in the most recent quarter is positive
  • 3Yr and 5Yr FCF CAGR is positive to show that it is growing
  • Latest CROIC > 0
  • 3Yr and 5Yr CROIC > 0 to eliminate fluky, volatile or weak companies

Best Piotroski Combo

Based off internal testing to see which of the 9 Piotroski factors outperform. You can read the original article from this link.

The 3 factors I look at:

  1. Positive net income
  2. Increasing current ratio
  3. Increasing asset turnover ratio

Strong Studs

This is a quality based screener to eliminate stocks with red flag potentials. It's meant to be more of a preliminary filter.

  • High Piotroski F score
  • No risk of earnings manipulation using the Beneish M score
  • No risk of possible bankruptcy or financial distress using the Altman Z score

FCF Cows

The good old method of looking for companies with low debt and increasing cash.

However, there is a twist.

Instead of looking for no debt companies, I created this to look for companies who have been paying down debt while increasing FCF.

  • 3Yr Total Debt CAGR is decreasing
  • 3Yr FCF CAGR is positive

How to Load the Screeners to Your Account

  1. Log in.
  2. Click on SCREENER
  3. Clik EDIT on the left menu